You Are Needed

When I was in high school, I used to say to my friends that I wanted to have a bunch of kids, 10 boys to be exact. I loved the idea of being needed by everyone in my home. I wanted to be the mom who kept it all together for my family.

Now, I’m in the thick of it, and it’s not quite what I expected. Sure, I am needed by everyone in my home, but many times I can barely find one second of time for myself. I will admit, it gets a little bit frustrating sometimes. I find myself asking God, “How do I fit it all in? How do I make everything work?”

(Courtesy of Pexels)

In the midst of the ‘busyness’ of our lives, we sometimes struggle with prioritizing and distinguishing between what is important, urgent, and even what we need to leave to others to do. If we fail to learn this important lesson, the results could be detrimental to our health and peace of mind, detrimental to our future, and detrimental for all of those around us.

The truth is, my friend, we are indeed needed. You are needed.

You are needed, beyond what you think you are needed for. You are needed, beyond finding lost socks for your kids. You are needed, beyond cooking dinner or cleaning the house. You are needed, beyond your job. You are needed, beyond what everyone says they need you for or even what you think they need you for. Our need for you goes beyond the surface.

There are three important aspects about being needed that we seldom see, or have time to address:

You are needed for you. As women, we sometimes unintentionally neglect ourselves.  Sure, we don’t mean to but the busyness and cares of life can be so loud that they drown out one of the most important people in your life, you. I, myself, am guilty of putting all else above myself. By failing to make myself a priority, I put many things in jeopardy, including my physical and mental health.


You are needed for you future generations. There is a saying, “When mom is happy, the whole house is happy.” This is so true. But, what happens if mom is not happy? What happens if mom is not emotionally healed? There is a scripture in the Bible that talks about one generation praising God’s works to another. Just as we can pass on good things to our children and grandchildren, negative things can be passed on as well. So, your healing is not just for you. Your ‘wholeness’ is not just for you. You will pass something on to your future generations. What will it be?

You are needed for us. Everybody has a story to tell. There is something about your story that I need, and vise versa. When we open up to share our struggle, and ultimate triumph, with others, there is something supernatural that happens. You give us hope.

As you consider everything that you have to do today and everyone who needs you to do something for them, consider yourself. When you make your To-Do Lists and schedules, make your offspring know happiness and emotional wellness. As you go throughout the hustle and bustle of this day, share your story, your hope, with us.

Have a great day, my friend!

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