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Nightmare (2012)

by Stephen Leather(Favorite Author)
4.14 of 5 Votes: 1
1444700715 (ISBN13: 9781444700718)
Hodder & Stoughton
Jack Nightingale
review 1: So, there I was, a while ago, wandering aimlessly round my local bookshop, bereft, having just finished the last (at the time) Felix Castor novel from Mike Carey. I wanted something at least vaguely similar and I had no idea where to start, hence the aimless wandering. Then I spotted that Stephen Leather, author of the terrific Spider Shepherd series, had a new book out. This book was "Nightfall". Now how's that for a fortunate stroke of serendipity. I got to meet Jack Nightingale and instantly broke up with Felix Castor and fell hopelessly in love with Jack. Sometime after followed "Midnight" the second in the series, and now here we are with "Nightmare" the book under review. Jack had some problems in the first two novels - a death he couldnt prevent led him into a serie... mores of tangles involving a demon who was determined to have his soul, a sudden inclination from those around him to commit suicide and an ex colleague, Chalmers, determined to arrest him. For what, he didnt seem to mind. Having negotiated these waters somewhat satisfactorily, or so he thought, he is awoken at the beginning of "Nightmare" to armed police knocking down his door and dragging him out of bed. It seems as if a local drug dealer, having been shot and now basically brain dead, will keep sitting up and saying "Jack Nightingale" at regular intervals. Well that is music to the ears of Jack's bete noire, the wonderfully annoying Chalmers, who is ready to lock Jack up and throw away the key. And we are off again on a mad adventure, where dark magic abounds, demons stand around in doorways, and Jack wisecracks his way to the resolution of the tale. These novels are both laugh out loud funny and dive behind the sofa scary, whilst always maintaining a wry eye towards the weird and wonderful. With a wonderful and entertaining supporting cast, you don't get much better than this for pure page turning fun. And Stephen Leather pulls a fast one with a little twisty twist that JJ Abrams would be proud of. If you havent read these yet, I envy you - start at the beginning and I guarantee that by the end of "Nightmare" you will be metaphorically sat at my side desperate for the next instalment (Nightshade, end of April 2013!) Enjoy!
review 2: Being a big fan of stephen leather and especially the "Dan Shepard" series i was always going to read this series of books and overall thought they were o.k .This is the 3rd book in the series and is really the poorest out of the 3 with a very weak ending that did not really live up to the other two books.I enjoyed the main character "jack Nightingale" and found him to be a likeable character similer to "Dan Shephard" and thought that leather was really brave to try something like this as it completely different to his other work.I believe he has also written a vampire novel called "bitten" and another one called "The basement" which i believe is different to his other novels so can't wait to read these. less
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unexpected happenings. A satisfying outcome. Brilliant book
Another amazing mix of crime and the supernatural!
Great suspenseful series.
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