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Love Means... No Fear (2010)

by Andrew Grey(Favorite Author)
4.04 of 5 Votes: 5
1615817107 (ISBN13: 9781615817108)
Dreamspinner Press
review 1: J'ai adoré ce livre ! il est presque meilleur que le premier tome.Au début, j'ai pensé que ce serait la meme histoire qu'avec Eli ( d'ailleurs c'est étonnant d'avoir 2 freres gay amish Very Happy). mais Jonah est beaucoup plus naif, curieux, que son frere. il a toujours grandit en suivant les pas de son pere et le monde extérieur lui fait peur en même temps que ca l'attire. Grace à lui j'ai eu plein de moments droles. Par exemple lorsque raine luit dit " n'aie pas peur, je ne vais pas sauter sur toi" lors d'une promenade en caleche. Et Jonah lui demande " pourquoi tu sauterais sur moi ?" (il avait pas comprit l'expression ^^)Au contraire de Geoff, Raine n'accepte pas de prime abord son attirance. Il ne veut pas s'attacher à quiconque. Mais Jonah, qui veut explorer... more cette attirance, le poussera dans ses retranchements. En plus il y a l'agression dont il a été victime, qui revient le hanter chaque nuit et aussi dans le monde reel, car son agresseur se dirige vers le ranch.je trouve qu'ils forment un beau couple, inattendu . Jonah a su s'en tirer à merveille, entre son père qui accepte finalement de le laisser partir pour son année hors de la famille, la découverte brutale de l'homosexualité de son frère ( il est resté bouche ouverte avant de hurler " DES SODOMITES ! " Very Happy), en plus apprendre qu'il est entouré de 3 couples gays, qu'il est attiré par Raine, qu'il doit être gay lui aussi, pour finir la menace de son père de le dénoncer à l'eglisse. J'ai aimé les scènes de baisers "french kiss" , plus que les moments où ils passent à l'acte. Andrew grey a fait du bon travail.Ce qui m'a moins plu, il s'agit de cette histoire autour d'agresseur ancien militaire qui a pété les plombs. Il manquait de l'action, de l"interaction entre raine et lui. J'aurai aimé qu'il kidnappe jonah ou encore qu'ils les prenne en otage. et j'aurai aussi aimé que Raine souffre un peu plus, qu'il se rende compte de sa chance, en voyant Jonah sortir avec l'adjoint du sherrif par exemple.
review 2: Raine, a friend of Geoff and Eli from the previous story, is single but loves his job at his predominately-gay office. He is happy with his life. That is, until the night of the Gay Pride parade, when he is attacked and beaten on his way home by a group of strangers just because he is gay.  After waking up in the hospital and speaking to the police, Raine goes back to the farm with Geoff while he is healing, and police are searching for the men that beat him.While recuperating on the farm, Eli's younger brother, Jonah, shows up from the Amish community for his one-year exploration outside of their community. Jonah is aware Eli has left the Amish community,  but does not know Eli is gay. The community would shun the entire family if they knew, so he has not told anyone, but when Jonah shows up to stay, he finds out Eli and Geoff are a couple. He is not completely understanding at first, but Eli explains himself to his younger brother. Jonah can see the love that they share.Investigating the attack on Raine leads the police officer to a whole other situation. It appears there has been some embezzling going on, and it takes some time to catch the suspect and figure out if the two are connected or not. Meanwhile, the police feel Raine needs continued protection, so he remains at the farm and gets more than the protection he needs.  He falls in love with Jonah. Raine and Jonah have some decisions to make when it comes time for the two to get back to their own lives.Andrew Grey shows us yet again how love can be enough if you just put your fears aside. He is a master at showing the true strength of his characters and makes you want to believe that real people can have that same strength. His stories are very easy to believe and they flow nicely through the characters’ lives.Book 5 in the Love Means series is another story not to miss.  Andrew Grey makes it very easy to relate to his characters and their fears. He truly shows the normal, everyday fears that everyone has in life and in relationships and how they can be overcome. It is inspirational and motivational every time you read his works.I am so thrilled to be reading this series and would recommend it to any fan of romance. Although, the books could be read as stand-alone books, it is also fun to return to some of my favorite characters from the series and Grey does a great job of bringing them forward and showing how they are still part of the story.  less
Reviews (see all)
Wonderful love story...I could read it again and probably will!!!
A GREAT series by a GREAT author!
More like 3 1/2 stars.
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