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Uncanny X-Men Volume 2: Broken (2014)

by Brian Michael Bendis(Favorite Author)
3.81 of 5 Votes: 4
078516703X (ISBN13: 9780785167037)
Uncanny X-Men (Marvel NOW!)
review 1: I hate the art in this series so much that it is distracting. I want to read all of the X-men books because there seems to be a lot of crossover... but the art from this series is just driving me away. Buchalo's work is rough, and unfinished. It's also full of weird stylistic choices. Characters in the foreground are painted with a solid color, and then "filled" with a checkerboard/pointillism pattern. Majik is constantly surrounded by a horde of flaming demonic "hell shit" for some reason(can the other characters see this or is it just for the reader's benefit?). Eyes are usually just outlines, occasionally with a blob of pale color as an iris, though usually not. Cyclops has a permanent lens flare Photoshoped onto the middle of his face, even when not using his powers. N... moreatural backgrounds(beaches, mountains) look like photos that have had Photoshop filters applied to them.Irving's is equally odd. When in Limbo, his psychedelic pop-art actually works... but in the real world I'm just left wondering why everyone's skin in cyan. Or why everyone's face looks like an over-exposed photo with a few of the details sketched back on. It's weird, because I read a lot of Image comics and usually have no problem with atypical art styles... I recently read Deadly Class, and loved the sketchy art and blocky coloring! I think it just feels out of place in such a mainstream comic as X-men. Maybe it's just my expectations that ruin the art for me but it's something I can't seem to overcome.
review 2: Read this one yesterday night/afternoon I found the Dormamu portion interesting, although it was a strange fit as it so exclusively focused on what's broken with Magik while the other stories reflected more on the team as a whole. Still, Bachalo is doing some of his best work here, stylistically unique without being quite as weird as it has sometimes. There have been times when I felt his artwork took from a story rather than adding to it, such is patently not the case here. I'm not sure where this is going, but I love how Bendis manages to present three different views on the approach to mutants/mutant rights in the MU and to keep each solidly supported and believable within the structure of the book focusing on the characters who hold the given viewpoint. I don't entirely agree with Scott's approach, although Bendis does a good job of making it appealing/understandable from the point of view of Scott and his team. I find it interesting that the characters of the MU have suddenly decided that a given person's actions while under the controlling/corrupting influence of an overpowering outside force have to be fully accounted for by that individual--that's my one issue with this book. There have been countless characters in the history of the MU that were "possessed" for lack of a better word by powers lesser than, equal to, or greater than the phoenix force. In no other story arc that I've read has anybody done anything but forgive the individuals in question for their actions. But Scott gets crucified for it by everybody but his own personal team of X-Men? Uh...Still the story that has grown form it is good enough that I can generally forget this single failing, although it is a giant continuity whole that could swallow the story in lesser hands. After all is said and done though, I read comics because they're fun and they look cool. For the moment this book meets those requirements well enough that it escapes my continuity curses. For the moment. less
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Magneto surprises me once again and no he doesn't go back to his old ways
Individual issues on marvel unlimited
Good solid uncanny fun.
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