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Livro Com Um Buraco (2014)

by Hervé Tullet(Favorite Author)
4.26 of 5 Votes: 5
Cosac Naify
review 1: This isn't really a book to READ, it's a prop to play art games with. Various tings and scenes are sketched around a large hole, and one (presumably) puts one's own drawings behind the hole for various effects and recombinations. I suppose those not interesting in drawing could do the same with magazine photos or some such pre-made images. I'm not blown away by Tullet's drawing style or ideas, but the concept of the book is fun, and I can see it being a great way to keep an arty child busy for a long time.
review 2: As the title suggests, this book does in fact have a hole. When you open the book, there’s a nice circle right in the middle of the page, perfect for sticking your head in or your arm through. The book is printed in black and white and instruction
... mores on each page encourage the reader to act with the image. One page, in which the hole is someone’s open mouth, tells you to try to make teeth with your fingers. Another, in which the hole is the opening of a magician’s hat, asks “What will you make appear or disappear?”This interactive book is wonderful for kids who can't stand to sit still quietly and need constant attention to stay engaged. Also a great diversion on long trips. less
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Ein wirklich tolles Buch für Kinder!!Meine Schwester und ich hatten sehr viel Spaß damit :D
So clever and fun - kids are going to love looking at this one.
Interactive books are my fav!!Absolutely !
This book deserves 6 stars. Awesome!!!
Very creative!
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