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Steadfast (2014)

by Jack Campbell(Favorite Author)
3.93 of 5 Votes: 5
0425260526 (ISBN13: 9780425260524)
Ace Hardcover
The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier
review 1: I decided to review the whole series in this book. First thing to say is that this is the best military book so far in terms of science fiction. The magnitude of action is nowhere else to be seen but here. The political schemes and reality of governing are very accurate depiction of humanity nowdays. The empowerment of protagonist is mindblowing and the love story throughout the books is just enough for you to keep wanting to read more and in the same time not, because of the used theme of love in all the other books. The only negative to say about the books is (reading the whole series in under a month) is the feeling of: "previously on the lost fleet..." beacuse much of the material (10%) repeats itself in each book so the last one feels like reading a preview of all the... more others. This is by no means a deterent especialy if you read them with huge pauses and you slightly forget what was happening.Awerall a briliant series that will keep you mind occupied and in the end left you wishing for more.
review 2: Another good Lost Fleet book, it didn't spend too much time refreshing the reader on who Jack Black is but spends time laying out new enemies, challenges and surprises. The one thing I read these books for is the Space Combat and this book was pretty disappointing in that aspect. I kind of wonder if those sections were too hard for some readers to get through and the publisher asked the author to tone it down or something. The conundrum around the fight was neat, but it didn't seem as tense or life or death as the others. less
Reviews (see all)
A good continuation of this series. As always, more to come.
A worthy continuation of an ongoing series.
Space opera can get old after while.
A nice shift in style.
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