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Rex Regis (2014)

by L.E. Modesitt Jr.(Favorite Author)
4.11 of 5 Votes: 4
0765336340 (ISBN13: 9780765336347)
Tor Books
Imager Portfolio
review 1: I fear I'm done with Modesitt's fantasy, at least for a long time. Modesitt's fantasy hasn't been challenging its readers in a long, long time; the main character is always a minor variation on a stock 'careful planning, uber rational character given unparalleled magic powers who develops insight into magic, usually aided or predictd by a prophecy.'This book was so stuck in that rut it was a parody of the concept. It spent a huge amount of time resolving threads opened up in the second half of the Imager series, but resolving them in exactly the obvious and predictable way. The main character gets even more powerful and mystical -- I had to laugh at how he routinely he's project subtle emotional manipulation as he talks (it's not just enough to "project an aura of calm and... more command", he can now do things to "project a suggestion that lying to him would be fatal.") That patches up the last bits of his armor; he has religion, the military, offensive magic, creative architectural magic, and charismatic magic. Although a lot of conflict shows up, I was bored throughout.I normally suggest Modesitt as a comfort read; you know what you're going to get. But this book adds nothing.
review 2: Summary:The final book (currently) in the imager series - just as good as the rest, highly enjoyable. In some ways an unnecessary book as its about domestic (treason etc) problems rather than uniting the land. But good stuff and a fitting finale. Recommended.Plotline: Great plot although more predictable that some of the earlier books.Premise: Imaging works very wellWriting: Simple, elegant very descriptive. I love the descriptions of drink and foodEnding: Goal achieved (not bad after 8 books)Pace: Never a dull moment less
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Modesitt books have the same general pattern, but I love that pattern so I'm ok with it. :P
It's easier to conquer than to govern. Too much like previous books in the series.
5th piece of "Scholar:" puny scheming.
A fitting end the Scholar's tale!
Very good I couldn't put it down
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