Tactical advice for actual and aspiring Superiors: Never take what any human says, at face, voice, or literary value. Never. The human is born and bred to lie, to himself and to every other living thing, in every interactive contact. To the Alien Eye, (and Ear), they inadvertently reveal and expose their deception in many different, subtle ways. The Superior always seeks out these failures, recognizing them and completely rejecting whatever lies are being offered.
It makes no difference that sometimes you cannot be 100% certain the inferior is lying to you. Assume it to be so, based upon what they say and how they say it, as determined via a properly functional Alien Eye analysis. Always tilt the balance against the human, most especially if he is initiating contact with you. Because all humans are liars, so addicted to deception they usually are genuinely unaware, on all conscious levels, that they are lying.
And it is these liars who are able to deliver the most believable lies.
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