Mountains, Bassano & Marostica

Waking up to a brilliant blue sky after weeks of British grey was fantastic. Even when I went outside and found (unsurprisingly) that the temperature didn’t match, it didn’t matter. A bit of sun makes up for a lot!

I’d managed to sleep in until 10am so Fabio and I took another look at the map to reassess our plans. We’d spoken about going into the mountains but it was probably too late for that now unfortunately.

However the alternative still involved snow so wasn’t too bad. We drove up to the hills behind Vicenza to a place Fabio knew had a decent view and went for a walk.

With the snow I turned into a child, stomping in it just to feel the crunch under my feet.

This is a really grumpy face but shouldn’t be, I was in the hills, in Italy, with sun. It was a good day