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The Compound (2008)

by S.A. Bodeen(Favorite Author)
3.55 of 5 Votes: 6
0312370156 (ISBN13: 9780312370152)
Feiwel and Friends
The Compound
review 1: A great intense book about surviving nuclear war, I enjoyed every second of this novel and would highly recommend it to anyone who wants a suspenseful story. S.A. Bodeen does a great job in using an effective and powerful language to leave the reading begging for more after every page. The fast pace of this book creates many twists and turns in the plot and reveals a secret in the Compound every chapter. All the craziness going on in the story made time fly when I was reading it and I ended up reading the entire book in one sitting. I loved reading about Eli's devotion towards his brother Eddy makes him do crazy things in the story which creates a plot that is always shifting. All the characters have great personalities and conflicts going on and are described for the read... moreer with precision giving an immersive read. All the flashbacks ties the plot together and puts the reader into the characters shoes. I think the with the experience I had with this book makes me totally want to read the next book, Fallout even though I have heard not the greatest things about it. And readers will appreciate the struggles of surviving nuclear war and how determination and perseverance will help you achieve your goals in The Compound.
review 2: what i thought about this book was that it was a very good book. and what happened in this book is that it was a nuclear war was going on that they though but they had to live i this compound for six years till the radiation cleared but the thing is is that nothing ever happened and Eli dad was behind it trying to "keep them as prisoners." till they finally figured out the password to unlock the doors and get out of the compound. well i really like this book i say that i want to read the next book after this one to see if it answered my questions i liked how the book was started with what was going on in Eli dads plan and i also like at the end of the book how it is a plot twist ad it changes the how you view the story and how it wraps up the story. I also like how they explain the characters in their own different way.i dislike how they don't show everyone right away. despite the lack of the time the characters were introduced i would highly recommend Compound to anyone that is willing to read a good book and will not have to bad of a time getting through it less
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I loved the creepy feeling of this one and trying to imagine what my compound would be like.
Best book ever!!!!!! I am so in love with this action packed book someone once said.
good mystery, exciting. Moral is that you can't even trust your own family.
Awesome Book
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