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Hit Squad (2012)

by Sophie McKenzie(Favorite Author)
4.1 of 5 Votes: 4
0857070711 (ISBN13: 9780857070715)
Simon & Schuster Childrens Books
Medusa Project
review 1: The last in the series of The Medusa Project books, and perhaps one of the better ones. A couple of fairly good twists and very fast-paced-maybe sometimes a little too fast. Splitting the story into Kettys, Dylans, Eds and Nicos point of view was a nice touch although I wish that Cal had a part, or was included more in the story, as he is one of my favourite characters. I really liked the ending and I thought it was a good finish to the series, but it was a little rushed.
review 2: Hit Squad by Sophie McKenzie. I've thoroughly loved this series and it looks like this is the last one. It is as exciting and action packed as the previous ones, however, I did find myself getting a little frustrated by it. The superpowered group come up against old foes Foster an
... mored Jack Linden. Without giving away too much of the plot the group are very quickly captured and their powers neutralised. They spend most of the book without their powers escaping and being recaptured. I got a little tired of the repetition of it. They suffer the loss of one of the group and this effects their ability to carry out their mission. Jack has developed medusix a drug to enable other kids to develope superpowers. He and Foster want to build up their own army for their own evil cause. Repetitive or not, I still enjoyed this read as I have every book by Sophie McKenzie. less
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This was quite a long series but I enjoyed every book which was apart of the series!
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I hated the ending.
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