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The Alex Crow (2000)

by Andrew Smith(Favorite Author)
4.37 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: All I can say is WOW! It's amazing how Smith can take stories that at first seem unrelatable and by the end of the book make everything connect with one another, it's like connecting a puzzle inside your head while you're reading! It was very different and very good, something you don't see a lot of anymore. If could, I would give Smith a multitude of awards for this book! Going to read more of his books soon!
review 2: Behind The Alex Crow's unapologetic absurdity lies an unusual applause for humanity. Something that says, "We might never reach a state of 'healing' in this lifetime. But, hey, at least we manage to change." Smith's latest offers a whirlwind reading experience. And, heads up, it's a hair-raiser! Seriously. But this tale of an adopted teen's biza
... morerre summer camp experience (set in a dystopic American future, of course) balances shock with lightheartedness and goofiness with some serious pathos. I absolutely loved it. less
Reviews (see all)
Might be my favorite of Smith's work yet. Longer review closer to release/publication.
Andrew Smith, my love & hate relationship...
Andrew Smith is so weird. I love it.
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