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Rock Chick Rescue (2009)

by Kristen Ashley(Favorite Author)
4.32 of 5 Votes: 1
1849234752 (ISBN13: 9781849234757)
Rock Chick
review 1: I had high hopes for this one because it started out really good. I was thinking that I was going to be glad I bought the whole series on sale. Well that didn't last long...Jet was okay in the beginning, slightly annoying but not stupid and I thought she seemed like a likable character. She was until the Dumb as Rocks Chicks Indy and Ally got to her then she was not only annoying she was dense. Then we have Daisy the biggest bimbo in the world enter the picture and the stupid really started flowing. The next step was Jet turning into a slut which made me hate her with no hope of redemption, ever. I can get over stupid but I don't ever get over crap like went down with Vance, Mace, and then Hank...At this point I was totally agreeing with her that she wasn't worth it and wa... mores hoping Eddie would finally get that she wasn't either.I loved Eddie, he was great and doesn't deserve to be stuck with this pathetic twat. Of course he must be blind by now because "his eyes went liquid" so much they pretty much would be melted out of his face by the time the book ended. I won't even go into what kind of creatures I thought were living in Jet's "doo-da" since it "quivered" so damn much. I mean WTF!Then we get to the end when the new version of Jet, the stupid slut, takes her level of stupid one step further. That has to be the crappiest ending ever all because Jet is a moronic idiot. I say it again, WTF!I think one thing that is going to get to me with this series is no man like the men in these books would put up with this kind of ignorance from a woman for a split second and they sure as hell don't find it cute.
review 2: I've read more KA books than any other author because they are serial comfort food. This is my second time reading the Rock Chick series and I am so enjoying the audible Wispersync option. KA can write a hot alpha guy like no other author. This group of friends is like no other-- My only complaint is most all the girls are runners which is not a dynamic I enjoy. For that reason only, this book gets 4 stars and not 5. From the author: Jet McAlister has a secret. Eddie Chavez has the hots for Jet (not to mention Eddie’s just plain hot). Jet has too many problems to realize that Eddie’s interested. Eddie loses patience when Jet ends her waitressing shift at a strip club with a knife at her throat. Since Eddie’s a cop, he figures he can help. Since Jet’s used to solving everyone’s problems she doesn’t want Eddie’s help. less
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I actually could not finish this because I got bored. It's almost EXACTLY like the first book in this series! The characters have no substance and behave exactly like the first couple. The amount of times I read "his eyes warmed" In both books is ridiculous...the amount of times I read "eek" in this book is ridiculous...I mean, what does that even mean? The MC uses it in every situation!!! "My dad owes a gangster dude money""Eek""Have dinner with me tonight""Eek""You're coming to my place""Eek""*a fight breaks out in a bar*""Eek"Yeah...no.Its sad because this series had a lot of potential. Now I have to think about whether I should give the third book a chance because the supporting characters actually seem more interesting than the main characters :/
I do not recall EVER laughing so much while reading a book. This book had me laughing so loudly at parts, that I continually scared my sleeping cats. I adore Kristen's smart ass sense of humor in this book. Jet is my favorite female character in the 12 Kristen Ashley books I have read thus far. Eddie is a close second favorite male character behind Kane "Tack" Allen from Motorcycle Man. Eddie is all that & the box of grits! I was very sad to actually finish this book, as I wanted to continue the ride with these two great characters!!!!
Going to review series as a whole - will update with link when finished!
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