I Like it When

Evy says, she likes it when I read this book…over and over and over and over and over.

This book is a hit with dad too, while I can see some real literary merit in Mary Murphey’s popular, timeless work.

It’s a board book for just a couple of dollars on Amazon right now!

It uses bold primary colors all over every page featuring the favorite acitvities of an adult and baby penguin. This book is for parents as much as it is children. “I like it when we try new foods” puts a positive spin for picky eaters; “I like it when you hug me tight” reminds parents a child’s favorite activities – no matter their level of development – are often something simple, like the drawings, and not extravagant. Even better, the penguins are gender nuetral, and for some reason Evy thinks it’s her dad.

For foster parents, this book depicts a normal, healthy, safe relationship between a child and a caregiver.

It offers lots of opputunities to make faces, gestures, sounds, and copy the book like “hold my hand” and “tickle me”.

In terms of language aquisition, there is no rhyme, but the repition of the phrase “I like it when” and each page containing a simple sentence makes it a good starter for young readers too.

If you enjoy it, look for the Spanish version and more books by Mary Murphy!

If we are going to read something over and over, I like it when it’s this.

-Evy and Me.

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